Fountain Report Excerpts Jan 28, 2025

Fountain Report Excerpts
  1. At the end of December 2024, Virbac’s annual revenue reached €1,397.5 million compared to €1,246,9 million, representing an overall increase of +12,1% compared to 2023 and +13.6% at constant exchange rates. This growth is the result of an organic performance of +7.5% and a contribution of +6.1% linked to the acquisitions of Globion (acquisition in India in November 2023) and Sasaeah (acquisition in Japan completed in April 2024). The performance of the North America area (+10.2% at constant exchange rates and scope) benefits from a sustained sales dynamic, particularly for specialty and dental care products for companion animals, according to the company.
  1. Patterson Companies Inc. announced the expiration on Jan. 19 of the 40-day “go-shop” period under the terms of its previously announced agreement concerning its acquisition by Patient Square Capital. The agreement allowed Patterson and its representatives to actively solicit and consider alternative acquisition proposals from third parties during the “go-shop” period. Patterson did not receive any alternative acquisition proposals during the period.
  1. Commercial broiler flocks in Georgia, Maryland and Virginia and a commercial layer flock in Missouri were struck by highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI). The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service reported that the presence of the virus was confirmed in all four flocks on Jan. 21.

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