Fountain Report Excerpts

See below for curated highlights from the most recent additions to the Fountain Report.

The Fountain Report is a weekly subscription service provided by Antelligence. Its comprehensive in-depth news and quantitative data have been guiding decision making for executives in the business of animal health since 2002.

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Fountain Report Excerpts Jul 23, 2024

The American Association of Veterinary State Boards has decided against pursuing the creation of a midlevel veterinary practitioner role and instead will concentrate on identifying opportunities to expand the scope of practice for veterinary technicians. Out-of-state dog transports are suspended in Delaware for 30 days as shelters grapple with an outbreak of canine influenza. State [...]
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Fountain Report Excerpts Jul 16, 2024

Store brands reached all-time highs in both unit and dollar share during the first six months of 2024, compared to the same period a year ago, according to new Circana sales data provided to the Private Label Manufacturers Association. Unit market share was 22.9 percent and dollar market share were 20.4 percent, as of June [...]
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Fountain Report Excerpts Jul 10, 2024

When completed, the largest cattle feedyard north of the Rio Grande will implement the beef-on-dairy (BxD) production model, which links semen provider to dairy to feedyard in what is being called a closed-loop system. Blackshirt Feeders near Haigler, Nebraska, will have a capacity of 150,000 head and accompanying biodigester. The opening of Utah State University's [...]
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Fountain Report Excerpts Jul 02, 2024

The Q1/2024 CAHI review Animal Health by Scott Brown in June 28 Fountain Report reported that the animal health industry grew more slowly than the broader market. The CAHI was up about 3% this quarter while the S&P 500 was up about 11%. M&A activity was down with animal feed companies accounting for 13 of [...]
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Fountain Report Excerpts Jun 25, 2024

Everyone is talking about spectrum of care as a solution for challenges veterinary clinics and their clients are dealing with right now. How does a clinic, veterinarian and/or veterinary staff member provide good care while being mindful of the limitations of a client, financial or otherwise? The Fountain Report interviewed Dr. Arik Smith, lead veterinarian [...]
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