Today’s market surveys are often extrapolated projections designed for use as passive indicators of future sales based on single digit market samples of past events. In contrast, the ALYX℠ Market Survey series is an actionable system, designed to impact current performance rather than “project” future outcomes. Geo-located and near-real time data feeds provide the detailed feedback needed to deploy, direct, and adjust field assets and marketing resources.
In practice, the ALYX℠ Market Survey Reporting Series opens up a host of opportunities.
- Sales Force Productivity – An organization’s largest commercial expense, improving sales force productivity represents one of the largest opportunities to grow revenue and improve profitability. While productivity is typically measured versus “internal” benchmarks (e.g. last year’s sales), ALYX℠ creates market “transparency” allowing management a comprehensive territory understanding & the opportunity to improve compensation metrics.
- Marketing Program ROI – While competitor impact has been outside of the traditional marketing return on investment calculation, the granularity of ALYX℠ allows management to assess program impact not just versus historical performance but the actual market results.
- Marketing Program Effectiveness – Through timely, detailed, geo-located reporting, ALYX℠ provides a manager the feedback to adjust, discontinue or expand pilot programs within a season.