One of the most challenging decisions for any animal health marketer is determining a return on investment for marketing initiatives. Typically, companies rely on an analysis of their sales over a period to determine the success or failure of such programs and yet this approach fails to provide any insight in terms of market share shifts, which may or may not have been realized.
It is well known that the impact of national marketing initiatives vary significantly across territories, states, and regions and traditional evaluation methods again fail to provide any useful insight in assessing with which customers and in which areas of the country the investment can be proven to be effective. The question is always raised, “was it really worth it?”
Now it is possible to undertake an objective assessment of the success or failure of a given marketing investment by using the one true measure that matters—shifts in market share. The ALYX℠ Marketing Campaign Impact Assessment makes it possible to segregate specific customer groups or customer types and then measure market share over time, making it possible to see a direct correlation to program investments and shifts in market share. And best of all, it can happen in near real time with weekly updates from the field on thousands of customers if needed.
The Marketing Campaign Impact Analysis can be used to provide subscribers with access to timely and objective metrics by which to assess. Shifts in market share derived from traditional marketing investments, such as rebate programs; direct mail campaigns; media investments including print, radio, and television; and third party collaborations designed to increase contact via the web, direct sales calls, or telesales efforts.