Fountain Report Excerpts Jun 25, 2024

Fountain Report Excerpts
  1. Everyone is talking about spectrum of care as a solution for challenges veterinary clinics and their clients are dealing with right now. How does a clinic, veterinarian and/or veterinary staff member provide good care while being mindful of the limitations of a client, financial or otherwise? The Fountain Report interviewed Dr. Arik Smith, lead veterinarian of the Denver Dumb Friends League Veterinary Hospital at Colorado State University-Spur, to learn more about the team’s approach to offering a spectrum of care. This hospital offers urgent care services and outpatient surgeries.
  1. Despite some negative press, Zoetis maintains that adverse event reports about osteoarthritis drugs Librela for dogs and Solensia for cats represent only a small fraction of the millions of doses that have been administered to date. Both were first introduced in 2021, in Europe, reports VIN News Service. Safety concerns were stoked in April by a Wall Street Journal article that highlighted the adverse incident reports and documented anecdotal accounts of pets suffering from serious health issues after taking the drugs, such as loss of mobility and kidney failure, that sometimes led them to be euthanized.
  1. Further spread of bird flu among U.S. dairy herds presents additional opportunities for human infections, according to Reuters. Bird flu has been reported in 94 dairy herds across 12 states since late March, according to the USDA. The risk to public health is currently low, though additional spread of the virus could increase that risk, said Nirav Shah, principal deputy director for the CDC.

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